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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

31st May 2016
A big thank you to all who have donated change for UNICEF's Day for Change. Thank...
31st May 2016
This video wouldn't post for us earlier in the year- hopefully it works!
31st May 2016
Our children created beautiful prayers to Our Lady to mark this special month of...
27th May 2016
Today we had a pizza party for the Basketball children who came second in the shield...
27th May 2016
This term our topic is all about Transport. This week we were looking at sea transport...
25th May 2016
The new school PE has arrived. It is a blue/yellow jersey with white shorts and...
25th May 2016
Today was the last day of the Mini Basketball League. The A team came third in the...
25th May 2016
A few photos from the set up for First Holy Communion refreshments after the service....
24th May 2016
Primary 3 have been learning about Captain James Cook's journey on his boat called...
24th May 2016
We have used the green screen to create Titanic Witness Statements... Have a look!...