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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

24th Nov 2015
P2 are learning about Fairytales and we are also looking at the 'Book Creator' App...
23rd Nov 2015
A huge thank you to Karen Fennell who came into P.7 today to teach us a PATHS lesson....
23rd Nov 2015
Primary seven are enjoying Chinese lessons each Thursday. They are having great...
23rd Nov 2015
Primary Seven had a great time last week at the 'Incredible Journey' workshop. They...
22nd Nov 2015
We had another super fun code club session this week! We built an obstacle course...
18th Nov 2015
Congratulations to all Primary Seven children who took part in the 'Service of Light'...
13th Nov 2015
A few photos of us enjoying activities associated with the story Jack & the...
13th Nov 2015
Holy Rosary pupils had a super time at FAB LAB Belfast today. In the FAB LAB we...
13th Nov 2015
We had another fantastic Code Club session this week. We programmed our spheros...
13th Nov 2015