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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

11th Nov 2015
P3 & P6 are currently enjoying extra-curricular Chinese Club with Huimin. The...
8th Nov 2015
Holy Rosary Primary School pupils had a very important visit from the P.S.N.I on...
8th Nov 2015
Attached is flyer with details of Crabtree & Evelyn event. Opportunity to socialise...
7th Nov 2015
A few photos of our class enjoying a PE session.  Here we are being human...
6th Nov 2015
In term 1b our topic was Fairytales. We read one per week and lots of our work was...
4th Nov 2015
Holy Rosary Primary School is delighted to be teaming up with Queen's University...
4th Nov 2015
On Friday 23rd October we announced the winners of the homework competition.  We...
4th Nov 2015
P2 had great fun today making cuboids with outdoor construction! What do you think...
1st Nov 2015
Holy Rosary Primary School will be taking part in OutRight 2015 on ...
1st Nov 2015
Holy Rosary Primary School will be taking part in OutRight 2015 on 20th...