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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2014/2015 School Year

10th Jun 2015
A group of P7 pupils was invited to an event at Titanic Belfast. The event...
8th Jun 2015
Miss McGrath's class visited the Ormeau Road Library. During the visit the children...
5th Jun 2015
This week was 'Healthy Eating Week' which was being promoted by the Food:A Fact...
5th Jun 2015
The HSA Fun Night was a great success! Thankfully the rain stayed away and lots...
5th Jun 2015
Following on from Sports Day the pupils received the results and awards at a special...
5th Jun 2015
Following on from Sports Day the pupils received the results and awards at a special...
4th Jun 2015
Sports Day took place today and what a busy day it was! Pupils particpated in...
4th Jun 2015
Sports Day took place today and what a busy day it was! Pupils particpated in...
3rd Jun 2015
The school welcomed Gemma McCourt from Trocaire, the aid organisation, to accept...
3rd Jun 2015
A group of pupils from Miss Hyland's & Mrs Cooke's P7 classes took part in a...