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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

24th Jun 2016
Congratulations to our class' Term 3 recipients of the Maths Awards. This was for...
22nd Jun 2016
P2 enjoyed the 'Gathering Drum' event on Wednesday. This was also an opportunity...
22nd Jun 2016
Another busy day - this time we were all playing drums! We had fantastic fun making...
22nd Jun 2016
What a great day for the whole school while raising money for such an important...
21st Jun 2016
P1s and the Nursery children had a very special visitor today - a Magician! They...
21st Jun 2016
We had so much fun on Sports Day. We ran so fast in our sprints and worked really...
21st Jun 2016
We worked so hard with our mums and dads to make our Easter Bonnets. We all got...
21st Jun 2016
The Nursery School treated us to a special meeting with Fairy Twinkle! We heard...
21st Jun 2016
We loved the special story we heard about recycling and how important it is! We...
21st Jun 2016