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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

7th Sep 2015
We are enjoying our first few days in P2. Here are some photos from our different...
26th Aug 2015
  A few notices for returning to school: School re-opens for pupils on...

2014/2015 School Year

24th Jun 2015
Photos from the end of year prize-giving ceremony.
22nd Jun 2015
On Monday the school participated in a Financial Capabilitities Day that was also...
22nd Jun 2015
In June the school was delighted to learn it had been accredited the British Council's...
21st Jun 2015
P7 performed an end of year Panto to mark their final months at Holy Rosary PS....
15th Jun 2015
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP were in school in June to run a Sports-Diversity...
12th Jun 2015
There were lots of happy voices in the P1 area this morning as the pupils from the...
10th Jun 2015
We were delighted to welcome NICCY (NI Commissioner for Children and Young People)...