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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

'Back to School'

26th Aug 2015
'Back to School'


A few notices for returning to school:

School re-opens for pupils on Thursday 27th August:

Thursday 27th: 9am-12pm (P2-7*)

Friday 28th: 9am-12pm (P2-7*)

Monday 31st: School closed


*P1 pupils - refer to own timesheet


BREAKFAST CLUB - supervision from 8am on Thursday 27th August (breakfast will be available from Tuesday 1st September onwards)  

WAITING ROOM - This facility will start on the afternoon of Tuesday 1st September


School meals: The cost of dinners for 2015-6 is £2.50 per day. (If possible pay on Monday for week ahead)

Milk money: This should now be paid on a monthly basis. The cost for the month of September is £4 & this will be collected on Wednesday 2nd September (only).

~Remember all money should be sent to school in a sealed envelope that has been marked with the child's full name & class, as well as the purpose of the money. Your co-operation with this matter would be much appreciated.~