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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2018/2019 School Year

31st Jan 2019
We have been learning about how Saint Brigid was very kind and how she loved to...
31st Jan 2019
P7 enjoy a morning of Maths Problem Solving by working in pairs to use the clues...
30th Jan 2019
The children in P5 made 3D shapes using connect-a-straws. They were able to create...
30th Jan 2019
Thanks to coach Danny, the P5’s skills are developing brilliantly! The children...
30th Jan 2019
P5 worked in groups of 3 or 4 to investigate air resistance. They had to make an...
29th Jan 2019
We are really enjoying our topic Winter wonderland. We have enjoyed learning all...
18th Jan 2019
The P2 topic this term is Space and the Planets. We have enjoyed exploring and investigating...
18th Jan 2019
We have taken a giant leap into learning all about SPACE in P2 Room 5!
14th Jan 2019
Nóra Egri left our school in June 2018 to head to Aquinas Grammar School....
11th Jan 2019
Primary 5 visited Botanic Gardens for a winter walk with Park Life. They learnt...