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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2018/2019 School Year

15th Feb 2019
15th Feb 2019
Miss McGauley's class enjoyed making and testing parachutes as part of their topic...
13th Feb 2019
i nominated my class to win ‘class of the week’. I was not one bit surprised...
8th Feb 2019
Not only are we able to count to ten but we are able to match each number with a...
8th Feb 2019
Primary 1 had a real treat today. We got to listen to Mr McVeigh’s amazing...
8th Feb 2019
The day has finally arrived for the Holy Rosary boat race. The children had to make...
8th Feb 2019
Who wants a sneeky peek at P5’s science fiction story plan? Here is our shared...