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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2016/2017 School Year

15th Feb 2017
The Holy Rosary Digital Leaders presented a very poignant assembly to the whole...
10th Feb 2017
We had to make a boat at home because we are learning about water. In school we...
8th Feb 2017
Our P7 classes had a wonderful day at Ballycultra Folk Museum making soda falls,...
7th Feb 2017
As part of our activities for Internet Safety Week 2017, Holy Rosary Primary School...
3rd Feb 2017
Our after school 'Primary Games' has proven to be a massive success this term with...
2nd Feb 2017
Holy Rosary Film Club students had fun submitting their reviews on the film Maleficent...
27th Jan 2017
Have a look at the party we had for Marit's last day. Safe journey back home to...
27th Jan 2017
Round 1 of the Basketball League started on Wednesday. This year 10 teams have entered.
23rd Jan 2017
Holy Rosary parents spent a very interesting and informative afternoon with Eleanor...