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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2017/2018 School Year

7th Dec 2017
Today was our first day in Botanic Gardens working with our Park Life leader, Siobhan....
6th Dec 2017
This week in our Numeracy lessons we have have been learning about Co-ordinates....
6th Dec 2017
Inventions! We have been researching the Industrial Revolution and the inventions...
6th Dec 2017
Congratulations to those KS2 children who have had great success in the month of...
6th Dec 2017
Take a look at some of our amazing Learning Logs. We researched the inventions of...
5th Dec 2017
Today Sam and Ciaran from P.S.N.I. came to give us a very important and interesting...
1st Dec 2017
It's 1st Dec so we can officially start preparing our Christmas decorations. That...
1st Dec 2017
Today Maya's mum came in to talk to the P1 children about a special celebration...
29th Nov 2017
We have been learning about Daniel Bernoulli this week.  He was a mathematician...
29th Nov 2017
P.6. M.D. had a super day today making stop motion animations. The topic that they...