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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2017/2018 School Year

24th Nov 2017
We are learning about long and short and we are learning about houses and homes....
24th Nov 2017
Today we had great fun at Zumba dancing. Good luck to Miss Murray when it is her...
23rd Nov 2017
Get 10% off your HRPS uniforms ONLY at Truly Fare this Friday and Saturday!
22nd Nov 2017
Throughout the academic year, our class will be participating in a programme called...
21st Nov 2017
With Christmas on the horizon Santa might bring personal devices including tablets....
20th Nov 2017
Come along and enjoy the festivities of the Christmas Bazaar on Thursday 30th November....
17th Nov 2017
The Rights Ambassadors welcomed Forge Integrated’s school council into...
17th Nov 2017
We began this year's film club with a true classic! Anne of Green Gables! Some tear...
17th Nov 2017
We had a special visitor in preparation for Children in Need on Friday 17th November...