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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2016/2017 School Year

6th Jun 2017
Sports Day took place on Thursday 25th June. This year Lloyds Bank and Bredagh helped...
6th Jun 2017
On Wednesday 24th May the Basketball children went to the Basketball Finals at St....
23rd May 2017
Thank you so much for your generosity this month!! We raised £488.33 for malnourished...
19th May 2017
Our pupils in Holy Rosary were learning about malnourished children in Liberia for...
19th May 2017
Miss Murray's Primary 6 class enjoyed raising money and bringing in fruit for a...
19th May 2017
P.4s now have the chance to apply to be a Digital Leader in the school year 2017/18....
17th May 2017
Today we began our last Code Club cohort. This will last for 4 sessions and will...
17th May 2017
On Wednesday 17th May the Primary One children went to Belviour Players Theatre...
16th May 2017
Have a look at our beautiful displays created using a range of resources: the iPads, 3D...
13th May 2017
Primary 4 recently visited the War Memorial where they learned all about life during...