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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

5th Nov 2019
In the first theme of 'Grow in Love' we explored God's love and how Jesus' mission...
4th Nov 2019
Holy Rosary pupils had a fantastic time at W5 today courtesy of the Goliath Trust...
24th Oct 2019
P5 have been learning about verbs and adverbs. Have a look at how many verbs we...
24th Oct 2019
Watch the video to see how we like to do our addition with Base Ten materials.
24th Oct 2019
In P5 we know how to make well informed estimations, especially when it comes to...
24th Oct 2019
Our learning logs are amazing! The P5 children are studying the attributes of 2D...
18th Oct 2019
7th Oct 2019
George from The Council came today and taught us all about recycling. We know...