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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2018/2019 School Year

4th Apr 2019
The Cross Country team participated in the South Belfast heats at Orangefield Park....
3rd Apr 2019
What a beautiful day it was to go on a spring walk. We all were looking carefully...
3rd Apr 2019
We enjoyed dressing up in green. Some children even had green hair. Thank you everyone...
3rd Apr 2019
Primary one love our role play area this term. More details to follow but we even...
3rd Apr 2019
We decided to do our Literacy outside the classroom. We were working hard on our...
29th Mar 2019
We celebrated World Book Day in P2. We came to school dressed as our favourite...
26th Mar 2019
The children worked together to review their class novel in small groups before...
26th Mar 2019
The children worked in small groups to create circuits to make bulbs light up, motors...
21st Mar 2019
21st Mar 2019
Saint Patrick of Ireland Help us we pray To remember God’s love In our...