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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2018/2019 School Year

10th Jan 2019
We have been learning double facts to 5+5. We investigated the adding patterns using...
10th Jan 2019
This term P5 are investigating all things flight related. We began looking at birds...
9th Jan 2019
Explore Learning have had the best time with the Primary 1 classes over the past...
21st Dec 2018
Key stage 2 enjoyed their last day of term by having a Christmas sing-a-long in...
20th Dec 2018
The Fire Service visited school on Thursday 20th December to talk to P5 about Fire...
20th Dec 2018
P.7. Have been busy planning and filming their animations of Charles Dickens’...
19th Dec 2018
The excitement was electric today when Santa came to visit us. Santa gave us a lolly...
19th Dec 2018
Santa came to visit P1 today