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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2017/2018 School Year

1st Feb 2018
Our P7 children are loving their African drumming lessons every Thursday with Gareth...
1st Feb 2018
A big thank you to Mrs O'Callaghan for organising our beautiful Advent Service in...
1st Feb 2018
Look at our Key Stage Two Award Winners... well done!
1st Feb 2018
From Healthy Living to the Victorians and now Eco-Warriors- we are learning so much...
28th Jan 2018
Mrs Cooke's newcomer class enjoyed a range of gourmet delights on Friday. Thanks...
15th Jan 2018
Please find attached a letter with the dates of the forthcoming Do This...
12th Jan 2018
The children have had a great first week back at school after their Christmas break...
11th Jan 2018
PARENTS!! You are welcome to attend an information session to find out more about...
10th Jan 2018
We have just started our new topic. We are finding about space and the planets.
28th Dec 2017
P6 pupils enjoyed designing their own animations on natural disasters this Term...