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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

12th Feb 2016
On Shrove Tuesday we made Pancakes in P1. Mrs Devlin's class were very adventurous...
12th Feb 2016
This week we made space biscuits. We picked a planet and then we decorated the biscuit...
12th Feb 2016
This week Mrs McCartan's P.4.class treated us to a wonderful assembly. Just in time...
11th Feb 2016
In P.1. We have been learning about internet safety. We read the story about Smartie...
9th Feb 2016
Mr Sinclair's P.6. class have designed some amazing posters which inform us how...
9th Feb 2016
Another great day coding! This afternoon we had great fun coding our sprites and...
9th Feb 2016
P.5,6 and 7 pupils from Holy Rosary P.S informed us of how important it is to stay...
9th Feb 2016
The netball after school girls and boys had a netball match today against St Matthew's...
9th Feb 2016
Watch our super movie which was created by Holy Rosary Pupils. Get tips on how...