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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

25th Oct 2015
As part of our focus on the sense of HEARING P2 pupils were tasked with making instruments...
24th Oct 2015
The next sense we looked at was hearing. One of our activities was to bring a "secret"...
23rd Oct 2015
The HSA held a Halloween Movie night before the mid-term break. The boys & girls...
23rd Oct 2015
Can you guess who the following spooky Rugby World Cup characters are?
22nd Oct 2015
Welcome to Mrs McCartan's P4 class! All 23 of us have settled in really well to...
22nd Oct 2015
The P2 children are having lots of spooky fun! Special thanks to Elijah and Daniel...
22nd Oct 2015
The P6 children are very busy completing their workbooks!
21st Oct 2015
Welcome to Mrs O'Callaghan's class. We have a very happy classroom with all twenty...
19th Oct 2015
We spent a week talking about the eyes/sight. As well as enjoying play activities...
19th Oct 2015
This term Holy Rosary Primary School pupils have been getting creative with code!!!!...