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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

1st Mar 2022
Tackle e-safety as a family by joing the Legends Family Adventure. The link below...
1st Mar 2022
Be Internet Legends from Google and Parent Zone helps families to become safer...
1st Mar 2022
P2 love celebrating Pancake Tuesday.
23rd Feb 2022
As it’s FAIRTRADE Fortnight, Miss Mc Kenna’s P3s have been making digital...
14th Feb 2022
We have really enjoyed learning about ‘Space’ in P2. Have a look at...
11th Feb 2022
Our P7s have been getting very creative this week. In groups, they have been making...
10th Feb 2022
Congratulations to everyone in P6 who completed a Lexia Level this week! Keep working...
9th Feb 2022
This year each class discussed the circles of support that they have in their family,...
9th Feb 2022
This term our P7s have been very busy using scratch to create and code their very...
9th Feb 2022
We really enjoyed exploring our topic of Twinkle Twinkle. Take a look at our learning...