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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2021/2022 School Year

8th Feb 2022
As today was 'Safer Internet Day', we were very lucky to welcome digital expert...
7th Feb 2022
Have a look at our Article of Month for February! 
7th Feb 2022
The Rights Ambassadors presented a PowerPoint at Foundation, Key Stage 1 and 2 assemblies...
7th Feb 2022
Today we explored people and organisations that help us feel safe when we feel upset...
4th Feb 2022
Primary 4 have been working hard at home this week. They have been researching,...
4th Feb 2022
In numeracy this week, we have been learning all about 3D shapes. The class...
4th Feb 2022
Primary Two have been enjoying learning all about Space for their World Around Us...
4th Feb 2022
This term, P7 have loved participating in the Sport Changes Life workshops. The...
3rd Feb 2022
This week the children enjoyed a storytelling session using the book ‘Dream...