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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2023/2024 School Year

6th Feb 2024
Happy Safer Internet Day! Our Dream Space Ambassadors have been busy creating a video...
26th Jan 2024
In January & February our topic is Cold Places.This includes making observations...
8th Jan 2024
Our third P1 topic is called ‘Cold Places.’   We will be learning...
21st Dec 2023
In term 2, we enjoyed our topic of Homes and Families.Have a look at some of the...
21st Dec 2023
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas from P.4.look at some of our lovely artwork...
7th Dec 2023
27th Nov 2023
17th Nov 2023
Look at our odd socks. We celebrate that everyone is different at Holy Rosary Primary...