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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2016/2017 School Year

29th Nov 2016
Today we went on a shape hunt to find rectangles. 
25th Nov 2016
If you have a child due to start school in September 2017 then please come along...
24th Nov 2016
Today our busy Film Club members were writing their reviews on the films that we...
23rd Nov 2016
Our preparation for Confirmation is under way. Today we received the light of faith...
21st Nov 2016
Our topic is all about my family and my house. This week we painted and used pastels...
20th Nov 2016
During term 1, our Rights Ambassadors worked together to research and design their...
17th Nov 2016
This week we decided to have a little nature walk around our school, and took pictures...
17th Nov 2016
We have been learning to create some fun games using Scratch in Code Club. Margaret...
17th Nov 2016
We have really enjoyed learning about all the different aspects of healthy living...
17th Nov 2016
The P.S.N.I. came in to Holy Rosary P.S. and spoke to all children P.1-P.7 about...