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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

20th May 2016
Fairy Twinkle came to visit us and we had a fabulous time. We joined in with Holy...
19th May 2016
Today the Small Matches Football Club played a match against Leadhill Football Club.
19th May 2016
Christina, our trusty crossing patrol, visited P2 to tell the boys and girls about...
18th May 2016
Today Miss Monahan's P2s went to Belviour Players Theatre to participate in the...
17th May 2016
Today the P5 and P6 kids went to a football match at Whiterock 3G Pitch.  They...
16th May 2016
We really enjoyed our ICT session today on Bee Bot! 
13th May 2016
Holy Rosary pupils had another fantastic trip to the FAB LAB Belfast today. We designed...
29th Apr 2016
Today we celebrated our cross country victory by having a pizza party! Again a big...
26th Apr 2016
Congratulations to our netball girls who put on a great performance today. A fantastic...