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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

7th Apr 2016
Well done to everyone who made an Easter Bonnet - it was clear to see that a lot...
7th Apr 2016
This week we had great fun looking at snails and frogs.  We were looking at...
7th Apr 2016
For literacy today we were answering comprehension questions on The Jack and the...
5th Apr 2016
Our Holy Rosary Coders had another great afternoon of coding fun.Today we were using...
5th Apr 2016
Here are a selection of pictures from our Cross Country session earlier this morning...
5th Apr 2016
We had great fun at the War Memorial today - we are now WW2 experts :). Check out...
23rd Mar 2016
We had a brilliant time at the Zoo today. We would love to talk to you about our...
23rd Mar 2016
P.2. Designed some beautiful Easter cakes on their iPads this week. Some of them...
22nd Mar 2016
Holy Rosary Primary School was filled with colour today as our wonderful pupils...
18th Mar 2016
We used the green screen and Green Screen App by Do-ink to create a 'BBC' news report....