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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast


2015/2016 School Year

11th Dec 2015
We had great fun working together to film our wonderful Christmas Story animations...
11th Dec 2015
We had great fun today during our art lesson! We love to paint!
11th Dec 2015
The children had so much fun at our minion dance on the 27th November! All the P1's...
10th Dec 2015
Michael from iTeach visited our class last week to give us the opportunity to learn...
10th Dec 2015
In Primary 6 we had the opportunity to learn about Coding when Michael from I-teach...
10th Dec 2015
What a performance! Our Primary 6 children really did us proud; their performance...
10th Dec 2015
In P5 we have been using the iPads to make our own Christmas animations. We planned...
10th Dec 2015
P7 had great fun today meeting Professor Fluffy from Queen's University. They found...
9th Dec 2015
We have had a very busy first term in Primary 1.........