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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast
Open Day, for September 2025 Enrolment Thursday 12th December 2024, 9am-10:30am [Open Image]
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Our Class Prayer Service & Statue Crowning

5th Nov 2019

Celebrating ❤️Love

In term 1A we learned of the Trinity and the persons of God. We created a love chain and learned that God is love and we know that when we love each other his love is complete in us. 

We thought of the ways in which we can show love and we know that we can make a strong chain of kindness. We are all part of the strong love chain.

Sometimes when we act unkindly or forget to show love we weaken the chain and become weak, ourselves. When we say sorry and others show us forgiveness we become strong again, keeping the whole chain strong.

We revised our learning and celebrated our Theme 1 prayer service together.

Mary is an example of kindness and love. Now that the month of the Holy Rosary has ended we change her crown.

Thank you to our readers, crown bearers and candle bearers.