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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast
Open Day, for September 2025 Enrolment Thursday 12th December 2024, 9am-10:30am [Open Image]
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UNICEF Day for Change Picnic

19th May 2017

Our pupils in Holy Rosary were learning about malnourished children in Liberia for UNICEFs Day for Change. All children have the right to give their opinion and teachers discussed the issue of malnourishment during class lessons. Their ideas were developed more through a homework. Wonderful examples of homework and class tasks are displayed on our Right Respecting display board in school.

On Friday 19th May, the children brought in fruit for a picnic. We discussed how our money raised will now provide children in Liberia with enough food and medicine to keep them healthy. 

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all parents, for your generosity and support during our fundraising.