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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

P2 Miss McAuley

Welcome to Miss McAuley’s P2 class page. 

Here you will get an idea of what we have been up to and find photos of us enjoying our learning! You should find any important dates and messages for our class here or on the school homepage.

P2 topics include:

  • Term 1A: Myself & the Senses
  • Term 1B:Fairytales & Castles
  • Term 2A: Space
  • Term 2B: The Garden
  • Term 3: Transport


Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Everyone should come to school wearing PE gear on these days. Please wear weather appropriate clothing due to some outdoor lessons.


Children will continue to complete their homework on Showbie. They will be provided with a book to complete their written homework. Please support your child in completing and uploading their homework to Showbie. 

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss McAuley


Class Photograph



Miss Power
Miss Power

P2 Class Teacher


Latest Photographs

