P3 Mrs Carragher
Term 2B
For our World Around Us topic this term we will be focusing on ‘School’s Cool’.
We will be looking at many different areas within this topic including:
- Roles and responsibilities of people in our school.
- Helping children find their way around the school creating a map.
- Learning all about school in the past.
- Finding out about the different experiences of school around the world.
- Creating a tally chart of types of transport to school.
- Activity Based Learning tasks with lots of fun opportunities for children to explore and develop their numeracy, role play, creative skills and much more.
Here are some activities you may like to do at home to support your child’s learning at school.
- Talk to your child about your experiences of school.
- Interview a grandparent about their experiences of school.
- Discuss the importance of rules in school.
- Engage with your child during homework to find out about their learning and school experiences.
We hope you enjoy this topic.
βNotice for Parents β
π First Confession Date: Wednesday 12th March at 1:30pm in The Good Shephard Church
π Please help prepare your child at home learning songs and prayers.
πβοΈ P.E. πβοΈ Remember to send your child to school in P.E. uniform.
- Tuesday: Outside - please bring suitable coats.
- Wednesday: Indoors
πβ Homework
- Homework is given out on Showbie. Please encourage your child to write their homework into their books. Record the date on top and encourage tidy writing and presentation.
- Bring back homework by Friday please.
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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast Down N. Ireland BT7 3DB | T: 028 90491817 | E: info@holyrosary.belfast.ni.sch.uk