P4 Mrs Kelly
Our third P4 topic is called ‘Weather’. Throughout this topic we will be focusing on different features about weather around the world. There are lots of exciting activities planned for our topic. We will be discussing different climates around the world, illustrating different weathers and becoming weather reporters.
Here are some activities that you may wish to try at home to support your child’s learning at school.
- Go to the library and look for books about weather.
- Talk to your child about the different weather each day.
- Show your child a map of the earth and look at the different climates.
- Listen to and sing weather rhymes (e.g. rain rain go away).
- Look at photographs/pictures of different weather and compare them to how you would feel/dress etc.
- Watch weather reports at home and imitate what the presenters do.
- If you are at a playground and out playing, we would love to see a photograph of you enjoying the different types of weather.
- Try speaking to different family members and find out about which types of weather they enjoy and why.
As always, don’t forget to have lots of fun!
Our second P4 topic is called ‘Pirates’. Throughout this topic we will be focusing on different features about Pirates and the past. There are lots of exciting activities planned for our topic. We will be making Treasure Chests, Wanted Posters, participating in Sinking/Floating activities and learning about famous pirates.
Here are some activities that you may wish to try at home to support your child’s learning at school.
- Go to the library and look for books about famous pirates.
- Talk to your child about pirate traditions.
- Show your child a map of the earth and look at the different oceans and seas.
- Listen to and sing different Pirate Sea Shanties.
- Look at photographs/pictures of pirates in the past and compare them to modern day pirates.
- If you have any pirate toys/ships at home, setup a role plays in your home.
- If you are at a playground and there is a ship themed climbing frame, we would love you to send a photograph of your child playing as a pirate.
- If you have any unwanted pirate clothing, pirate toys, ships etc. we would be grateful if you could donate them for class activities.
Don’t forget to have lots of fun!
Our first P4 topic is called ‘Celebrations Around the World’. Throughout this topic we will be focusing on celebrations from different cultures. There are lots of exciting activities planned for our topic. We will be making Diwali patterns, Mardi Gras masks, Halloween party invitations and posters and a Chinese dragon!
Here are some activities that you may wish to try at home to support your child’s learning at school.
- Go to the library and look for books about different celebrations from around the world.
- Talk to your child about celebrations you participate in as a family.
- Show your child a calendar. Find the month of different celebrations around the world and mark it, e.g. Chinese New Year- February.
- Talk about celebrations that other family members or friends may celebrate.
- Share early photographs of previous celebrations and use such questions as ‘Do you remember when we celebrated…?’
- Choose a celebration and encourage your child to have parties for their toys.
- Look at old celebration cards or visit a card shop and talk about the pictures. Can they guess who the card is for and what the celebration is?
- If you have any materials left over from previous celebrations, we would be grateful if you could donate them for class activities.
Don’t forget to have lots of fun!
Mrs Kelly
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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast Down N. Ireland BT7 3DB | T: 028 90491817 | E: info@holyrosary.belfast.ni.sch.uk