P5 Miss McKenna/Miss Toner
Hello and welcome to Primary 5!
In our class with lots of unique talents, personalities and interests that makes our class special! We are so excited to share some of our amazing work with you, keep an eye out for our fantastic work, that we will share throughout the year.
We aim to link our Literacy, Numeracy, World Around Us, ICT, Music, Art, Drama and PE around our half termly topics.
- Term 1A: Mesolithic Me
- Term 1B: The Celts
- Term 2A: Flight
- Term 2B: Materials
- Term 3: Ancient Egypt
Our Religion is taught through the Grow In Love programme and our PDMU is taught through the PATHS programme. As we are a Gold Awarded Rights Respecting school, we have discussed our class charter and selected three Rights to focus on upholding as we grow in P5.
In P5, homework will move from Showbie to Google Classroom. Children will be provided with a homework book to complete written homeworks in. We ask that adults at home support with completing homework and returning homework books to school or uploading it to Google Classroom by Friday for the class teacher to see.
Physical Education
PE will be twice a week.
Tuesday- indoor
Wednesday- outdoor.
Please remember to bring a coat on the outdoor session.
Class Photograph


Teacher (P5)

Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast Down N. Ireland BT7 3DB | T: 028 90491817 | E: info@holyrosary.belfast.ni.sch.uk