P6 Mr Tomes
Welcome to P6 Mr Tomes's class.
We have much to look forward to this school year.
The different topics the children will be learning about include:
Term 1a- The Irish Famine
Term 1b- Water
Term 2a- The Titanic
Term 2b- Fairtrade
Term 3- Vikings
Each topic will be presented with a 'Parent's Page' and this will be uploaded to Google Classroom.
All communication and homework will be uploaded via the Stream on Google Classroom. Please send a note in with your child if you are having difficultly accessing Google Classroom at home.
Homework will be set each week on a Monday.
The children will have Reading, Spellings, Literacy and Numeracy tasks to complete throughout the week. Children are provided with a large homework book to complete tasks in (unless stated to be completed online- Freckle Maths etc.) and must return their homework book on a Friday.
P.E days are TBC.
If you have any issues/queries, please feel free to contact the school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with me.
Thank you for your continued support and I'm excited to be your child's class teacher for Primary Six.
Mr Tomes
Class Photograph


P6 Teacher

Classroom Assistant
Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast Down N. Ireland BT7 3DB | T: 028 90491817 | E: info@holyrosary.belfast.ni.sch.uk