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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

P7 Mr McVeigh

β­οΈπŸ’«Welcome to Mr McVeigh'sπŸ’«β­οΈ

Primary 7 class.


Our Topic for Term 2A is 'Eco-Warriors'.

As we finish our study of the Victorian Period our focus changes to 'Eco-Warriors'.

In this topic, we learn about how we can take better care for our planet, through the importance of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling, and the difference this makes locally and globally. 

We will become aware of how place affects plant and animal life and discuss different climates and ecosystems of the world (Rainforests. Polar Regions, Deserts ). We will study the plant life found in regions of the world (focus on Amazon rainforest and decide the best place for warmth and coolness when situating a plant

Through study of the different regions of our world we will better understand the interdependence of the natural world including food chains.

We will be able to locate of the rainforests of the world and discuss their climatic and physical features.

Through our Learning Log research we will come to know how explorers had both a positive and negative impact on communities and understand what environments were like before man had an impact.

We will learn about the ways in which people may conserve and change the environment globally.

We will understand the inter-relationships between animals and plants in a habitat.

πŸ€πŸˆπŸ“ P.E. ⚽️🎾🏐

In P.E. our focus will be on the basic formations and movements in dance.

P.E. lessons take place for our class on Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure to wear appropriate P.E. gear and footwear on those days.

Swimming: more information will follow.

🎢🎻🎷 Music 🎷🎻🎢

In Music we get into the groove by exploring rhythm and melody in singing, movement and dance.  The children learn about beat, syncopation, pitch and harmony and take a trip around the world to celebrate the universal language of music.

πŸ™πŸ» R.E. : Handing on the Catholic Faith

For those who take part in Grow in Love - the Religion Programme for Study for Catholic Schools - we will begin P7 by learning about the formation of the Canon of Scripture and the origin of the books of The Holy Bible.

Confirmation will take place on Thursday 3rd April at 3pm in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Ormeau Road.

Most Rev. Bishop Alan McGuckian will preside at the Confirmation Ceremony.

πŸ“™ Homework πŸŽ’

Remember to log on to Google Classroom to receive your homework. Please complete your homework in your homework book. AR, Freckle Maths, Oxford Reading Buddy and MyOn Reading are all active.

🌎 Diversity 🌍

In Term 1B we will also learn about aspects of Christianity and the Holy Feast of the Nativity; Christmas.

πŸ“£ Important Information:

⏰ School begins at 9am ⏰

Classrooms open 15 minutes earlier to allow pupils to come to school on time.

Pupils will be marked late after 9am.

πŸ“ Absences πŸ“ž

If your child is absent from school please ring in to contact the teacher and give a reason for their absence.

🍌🍎 Break Time 🍎🍌

We have a 15 minute break each morning from 11am to 11.15am. Please make sure to have a healthy snack - fruit, milk/water.

🍽️ Lunch time ⏰

If pupils receive free school meals, parents can log on to the School Money App by EduSpot. Parents should book children in for lunch whether their child is receiving paid or free school dinners. School dinners cost £2.60.

Home Time

Monday 3pm

Tuesday 3pm

Wednesday 3pm

Thursday 3pm

Friday 2pm

πŸ₯› Milk Orders πŸ₯›

Milk money can be ordered each month - please contact the school office.

πŸ•ŠοΈ The Sacrament of Confirmation πŸ•ŠοΈ

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered to our children this year at 3pm on Thursday 3rd April 2025. The children will prepare for the Sacrament in class as part of their R.E. studies.

πŸ“ Transfer Test πŸ“

It's all over! Thank you for all the hard work and preparation. We now await the children's results in late January.



Stop before the kerbstone

Look in both directions

Listen to the noise at the road

Only cross when it is safe to do so.

See the following link for Road Safety tips and the Green Cross Code: 



Class Photograph



Miss B Hyland
Miss B Hyland

Teacher (P7)


Latest Photographs



27th Jan 2025
17th Dec 2024
We had an amazing day at the Lyric Theatre. We have been studying the Victorian Period...


28th Nov 2024
download letter