Access Keys:

Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

Eco Council

 Primary 4

                                                              Julia Lorcan Nora

                                                                   Primary 5

                                                               Lila Daniel Hana

                                                                   Primary 6

                                                                 Rabbi Michael

                                                                   Primary 7

                                                                   Lea Dylan

The Northern Ireland Waterbus visited the school in January and delivered an educational programme to the Primary 5 and Primary 6 classes.

In April/May members of the Belfast City Council delivered a recycling educational programme to the whole school. They visited each class on an individual basis.

Scientific Sue and the Litter Lab visited our school in April and delivered an extremely interactive programme to the Primary 6 and Primary 7 classes. It focused on the issue of litter in our community and the importance of 'Bag it & Bin it'.​

Within our school we are continuing to recycle paper, cardboard and plastic bottles. Each classroom has their own paper recycling bin and there are 'plastic bottle' recycling bins located around the school within the main corridors. We also have a clothing bank located at the front of our school in which a range of materials can be recycled.

Miss Hyland's Primary 7 class created posters using the app PicKids to encourage and remind the pupils of the importance of recycling. These posters are located around the school and within classrooms.