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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

Eco Council

Welcome to our Eco Page!

Meet our Eco Council:

  • Bonnie
  • Risa
  • Iqra
  • Cassie May
  • Inaya
  • Haya 
  • Peter
  • Fiona
  • Selena

The Eco Council is designed to help the school help the environment. Our Eco Council have been busy this year helping our school retain it's 'Green Flag' award by undertaking a number of very important jobs. They meet with the Eco Co-Ordinator regularly to discuss how are school can continue to improve our own school environment and the wider community. 


This year our school are working on developing our:

  • Waste Reduction
  • Outdoor Learning 
  • Water Topic

The Eco Council have been involved with helping organize lots of educational outreach for the whole school. We have had lots of visits from the Belfast Council to help educate our whole school about the importance of Waste Reduction and how we as a school can help contribute towards a better future!